RESHAP (Rebuilding Existing Supportive Housing at Alameda Point)
Alameda, CA
RESHAP (Rebuilding Existing Supportive Housing at Alameda Point) is a development plan set to bring 267 units of affordable housing for diverse residents to Alameda combined with supportive services for people who have experienced homelessness or trauma located on the old Navy Base in Alameda Point.
In designing the trauma informed RESHAP campus, the team has worked closely with current residents to seek their input and vision for a community of healing and dignity. The shared open spaces include a farm, community center (barn), healing gardens, and recreation spaces. Within each of the affordable housing buildings, courtyard gardens and children’s spaces will support recovery and community connection.
RESHAP is also a key component of the City of Alameda’s Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan, which will transform a neighborhood blighted by abandoned buildings into a vibrant and active mixed-use community.
MidPen Housing
David Baker Architects
MidPen Housing
Alameda Point Collaborative
Building Futures for Women and Children
Operation Dignity
10 acres
2022 - present